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Non-Invasive Disc Pain Treatment in Tallahassee

Written By TLC Chiropractic on February 3, 2022

chiropractor explaining disc pain to patient

The unfortunate truth is that millions of people suffer from pinched or herniated discs. These types of back pain have been on the rise for some time, as our lifestyles promote frequent sitting and slouching. All of this puts unneeded pressure on our spinal discs, which can cause them to slip and herniate. Thankfully, you don’t have to suffer with disc pain. Chiropractors, such as TLC Chiropractic, are specifically trained to treat disc pain in a way that is non-invasive and effective.

What Is Disc Pain?

Disc pain is a type of back pain that originates along the spine. It can occur at any point along the spine, as there are several discs between your neck and lower back. Patients who have a slipped or herniated disc often report a tingling sensation. Others may feel numbness in their back, or sharp pain that may even spread to their legs. Disc pain is skeletal in nature, so it has nothing to do with a patient’s muscles and everything to do with the spine.

What Causes Disc Pain?

There are many causes of disc pain. The pain you feel could be from a herniated disc, which is when the nucleus of the spinal disc pushes through a tear. This puts pressure on the nerves of your spine, creating the pain associated with a herniated disc. In other cases, disc pain may be a result of disc degeneration or aging. If you have an active work environment where you use your back frequently, you may be at a higher risk of developing disc issues.

How Chiropractors Treat Disc Pain Non-Invasively 

While you can’t always prevent disc pain from occurring, you can do something about it. Seeking expert chiropractic care is the first step to improving your condition. Chiropractors such as TLC Chiropractic use a series of targeted adjustments to treat disc pain. Rather than prescribing painkillers or having you undergo surgery, we use spinal manipulations and physical therapy to relieve disc pain.

Many patients report that their back pain subsides in just a few visits. Chiropractic care can help you improve your range of motion and get you back to doing the things you love. Our team is dedicated to providing practical, non-invasive solutions to back pain.

Non-Invasive Disc Pain Treatment at TLC Chiropractic 

TLC Chiropractic is Tallahassee’s choice for disc pain treatment. If you suffer from back pain, there is no reason to wait for your condition to get worse. Contact our office directly at (850) 222-5700 for quality, non-invasive disc pain treatment.

Posted In: Chiropractic Disc Pain Treatment